Graf Orlok

At the beginning it was the Czech Legion’s armored train “Orlik”, active in Siberia from 1917 to 1921. At war, armored trains cut through the limitless lands from Ukraine to Siberia as warships the Oceans. They had names and insignia themselves. Graf Orlok – Count Orlok, blue blood and exotic name, is the archetypal Vampire of Murnau’s expressionist movie “Nosferatu”. Murnau himself took his pseudonym from the South Bavarian village of Murnau am Staffelsee, where he had directed a Midsummer Night’s Dream in architect von Seidl’s villa. During those very same years, the expressionist artists of the Blaue Reiter gathered in Murnau. At the entrance of the catholic graveyard in Murnau am Staffelsee, stands a hemicycle of red granite columns. It protects the names of the soldiers who had died in battle or went dispersed at war. On top, in gilded bronze characters, the dedication: "An unseren Helden". To our Heroes. This way, or reverse, from end to start.Artist
Zalmoxis Project
Graf OrlokDimensions