Lilia ‘Nguyen

A star-like portrait, dedicated to a real life charming lady. Daughter of a noble Vietnamese emigrated to France, and of his French wife, she was crowned in a nationwide beauty contest in France. At 18, she came to Rome, in the years of La Dolce Vita and Cinecittà. She started a brief acting career, the turned to more sophisticated interests. She is quite notorious, as she daily walks from home to her business in the most historical center of Rome. Passersby are often astonished by her unusual beauty and elegance. Her outlines in this painting, though, are less oriental as in reality, a bit more declared and less sophisticated. Her face a mix with an Italian popsinger. Her loneliness is majestic, however, as her own one is in her real life.Artist
Zalmoxis Project
Lilia ‘NguyenDimensions