Dancing Satyr

This imposing dancer in metal hues (gold, copper, bronze) is stepping as a moving monolith, amidst a flourishing yet undefined landscape. His dance is sacred, look at the retropulsion of the torso, the sacral gesture of hands and fingers, this is an epiphany. His head is crowned, but his featureless face and his body are obviously strained. Yes, to be possessed by a God, by the terrible Dionysus, leads to a painful ecstasy. But in ancient Greek, it was “entheòus genesthai”; to become with the God within. So, let this painful dance last forever, no matter how hard the burden on the dancer himself. There is a priceless event in front of us, a God unveiling himself in the dancer’s pain. If you like it more, take this as a pleasant painting. But I can assure you, this is not.Artist
Zalmoxis Project
Dancing SatyrDimensions